Dalnegorsk polymetallic ore field is located in the southern part of the Eastern Sikhote-Alin volcano belt on a complicated area between two main region bogen structures. Mineralization enclosing rocks relate to secondary era.
Raw material base of MMC Dalpolimetall JSC is concentrated on the territories of Dalnegorsk and Kavelerovo districts of Primorskiy region.
The company works on two types of different but close in composition deposits:
- Lead-zinc-silver mineralization in limestone scarns,
- Silver-zinc-lead mineralization in vein structures.
At the present moment the company exploits six deposits:
- Nikolayevskoye,
- Partizanskoye,
- Verkhnee,
- Mayminovskoye,
- Southern,
- Silinskoye.
Nikolayevskoye, Partizanskoye and Verkhnee deposits are the deposits of the scarn-polymetallic type with different configuration of ore bodies.
Mayminovskoye, Southern and Silinskoye deposits are vein polymetallic deposits with a high content of silver in the ore.
Almost all the above mentioned deposits are located either close to processing capacities or in the radius of 45 km from the enrichment plant, which is located in the centre of Dalnegorsk. Only Silinskoye deposit is 70 km away from Dalnegorsk, on the territory of Kavalerovo district.
Nikolayevskoye deposit
Nikolayevskiy mine is the biggest mine of the company, it carries out the underground mining of Nikolayevskoye deposit. There are no ore outcrops and mineralization is at the depth of 700 m from the datum. Displaced plates lie between basalt sedimentation, which include breccia stacks, sandstones and upper tuf formations. Lime stone plates in the ore body of Vostok-1 have the dimension of 1800m x 700m x 280 m.
Ore bodies can be found both on the upper and the lower contacts of the lime stone plates. Mineralization is not continuous, it is pod-like. The ore bodies may be up to 80m thick and the length along strike is up to 220 m, irregular in shape.
Ore bodies at horizons up to -320m and below sea level (Baltic sea) dip at low angles to the east, but below the horizons dip at high angles. Drilling revealed mineralization up to the level -1200 m and below the sea level. Reserves of the deposit are equal to 8453 thousand tons of ore (C1 category).
Partizanskoye deposit
The Second Soviet mine carries out the underground mining of Partizanskoye lead-zinc-silver deposit of the scarn type.
Ground elevation at site within the limit of 400-500 meters above sea level and drilling operations proved that mineralization occurs at the depth of 400 m and below sea level. Ore bodies are not continuous, strike length from the north-east to the south–west is about 1600m. These ore bodies dip at high angles, mainly at an angle of 70°-80° to the south-west. These ore bodies are of hundred meters thick, and the width is usually equal to 15 meters.
Mineralization of the Partizanskoye deposit mainly includes galenites and sphalerites, associated with hedenbergites and quartz and carbonate veinlets.
The reserves of the deposit are equal to 4026 thousand tons (B+C1 category).
Verkhnee deposit
Verkhniy mine carries out open cut mining of the Verkhnee deposit which is the scarn type.
This deposit was the first one worked at in Dalnegorsk. It has been exploited for more than 100 years. Mineralization is associated with upper contact of lime stone biased plates with proper igneous rocks. This deposit is mostly developed, except left pillars with general content of lead and zinc of more than 5%.
The reserves of the deposit are equal to 59 thousand tons (C1 category) + 1285 thousand tons (off balance reserves of C1 category).
Mayminovskoye deposit
Verkhniy mine carries out underground mining of Mayminovskoye deposit which is the vein type (Royal section).
Mayminovskoye deposit includes about twenty veins that dip at high angles in the thickness of siltstones and sandstones with thickness of about 500 m. One can notice richer mineralization when veins are in sand stones rather than in siltstones. Veins strike from the north-west to the south-east, and the vein strike length is up to 600 m. Cote noire at the site are within the range of 550-650 m over seal level, and the deepest cross holing is at 230 m over sea level. The veins thickness is up to 6 m, usually over a range of 2-3 m.
The reserves of the deposit are equal to 279 thousand tons (C1 category).
Southern deposit
Southern underground mine develops silver-lead-zinc deposit of the vein type. The main ore bodies are Vein ¹4 with secondary ore bodies, Black vein and vein ¹4 offshoots.
The veins were developed from the surface of 800-1000 m horizon over sea level to the current operating horizon of 440 m. Diamond drilling holes undercut the vein at the horizon of 0 m over sea level. These veins are twisting and anastomotic in the sediments of 150 m thickness and are formed by laminated sandstones. They strike from the north-east to the south-west for about 800 meters. They dip to south-east at an angle of 60°-70°.
The reserves of the deposit are equal to 96 thousand tons (B+C1 category).
There are perspective Vstrechniy and Avgustovskiy sites close to the Southern mine.
Silinskoye deposit
Silisnskiy mine is at the process of preparation for underground remining of zinc-lead-silver deposit of the vein type. In the past they mainly mined tin, zinc and copper.
One can trace the indivisible complex vein from the surface of 550 m over sea level to the depth of 350 m over sea level, which was developed at lower levels in the past. It strikes to the east-west for the distance of about 350 m and dips to the south at an angle of 70°-80°. The average thickness of the vein is about 1 m. It is composed of quartz carbonates with galenites, sphalerites, cassiterites and chalcopyrites. The vein occurs in siltstones. The reserves of the deposit are equal to 301 thousand tons (B+C1 category).
Reserves State Committee of RF Qualification system
Category | Volume (th. t) | Zinc (%) | Lead (%) | Silver (gr/t) |
В+С1 | 13 891 | 3,86 | 2,34 | |
С2 | 2 513 | 5,46 | 4,62 | |
В+С1+С2 | 16 404 | 4,10 | 2,69 | 68,0 |
The mineral ore base of MMC Dalpolimetall JSC provides activities of the company for 25 year minimum. It is only the beginning - geologists of the company carry out additional exploration and regularly fix reserve increments, which drastically makes the exploitation term of the existing deposits longer.
According to the data of multiple geological expeditions of some previous years it is known of existing perspective ore fields at the territory of Dalnegorsk ore cluster and adjoining districts.
Cheramshanskiy ore cluster and close to it Mayminovskoye deposit are of extrinsic value. Special attention should be drawn to this territory as the inferred resources of this place are estimated to be equal to 26 million tons of lead-zinc-silver ores.